Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Home Studies Completed!!!

Well, we're done! It was a long and exhausting day of interviews, paperwork, and a home inspection... but we're done! I think we both are sick of talking about ourselves, but overall it wasn't too difficult! At this point, Josh and I have done everything we need to do for them to place us with kiddos. Now, we just have to wait...
Tonight, we were told that our official home study paperwork will be completed by Monday night. Then, after that they think it will be about 2-4 weeks for our license to go through and we'll be ready for placement! We're so excited to be placed... and even though we'll start as foster parents, the main goal is to adopt! So, pray that God will comfort us in this exciting, but difficult process!
I'm getting butterflies in my stomach... :) Thanks for all of the prayers... we'll keep you updated! Can't wait to see some of you in a couple weeks!


hollydoberg said...

I am sure it was exhausting! So glad it is done and on to the fun part! :) Love you.

Marcia said...

Whew! So glad to hear you are on the other side of the paperwork & assessments! Can't wait to see you next Saturday!

Shanna said...

I'm ready......bring on the kiddos!!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear it went well. You guys will make great foster parents.