"I don't know why this child was conceived in another womb or born in another land, but I know with all my heart that God created him/her to be ours."
When discussing backgrounds, "we always stress this fact: Our primary heritage is found not in our ancestors, family, genealogies or birthplaces but at the cross, in Christ alone."
James 1:27
"Religion that God Our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
You should put a warning on this: WILL CAUSE CRYING and TEARS OF JOY for the precious little one's who will call you Mommy & Daddy. May God continue to bless your growing family! Love you! :)
Heidi, you are amazing. I am bawling. I always knew you'd make a fabulous Mommy, but you also capture these precious moments so profoundly. We miss you but we are SO very happy for you. XOXOXOXOXO
You should put a warning on this: WILL CAUSE CRYING and TEARS OF JOY for the precious little one's who will call you Mommy & Daddy. May God continue to bless your growing family! Love you! :)
Wow, definitely brought tears to my eyes!! I love the first family picture you have on there!!
Wow, what a beautiful experience. Thanks for sharing these precious moments.
Heidi, you are amazing. I am bawling. I always knew you'd make a fabulous Mommy, but you also capture these precious moments so profoundly. We miss you but we are SO very happy for you. XOXOXOXOXO
How fun to see the first few days with your kids... wow... I have happy tears... praying for you four!
You guys are PARENTS!!!!
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