Tuesday, February 02, 2010

E update

Monday Morning 2-1-06: E broke his femur right above his knee on Saturday night. They took him to the hospital close to our house and then transferred him to Children's Hospital for surgery. He's been here ever since. We're hoping he'll be able to come home tonight, but he isn't doing well this morning (pain, and developing a fever). Right now we're waiting to see the physical therapist who has to "clear" him to leave based on what he can tolerate with movement. We're not anticipating that to go well so we'll see what happens. We have our computer today so that we can be keeping people updated. In the mean time, we are so grateful to have my mom and sister here to help out with A and with pretty much everything else we need right now. What a blessing! Also, it's E's bday today... :( Poor guy.

Monday evening 2-1-06: E is home from the hospital. We got home tonight at about 6:15p. Just in time for his birthday dinner and cake. He was in really good spirits and even asked to get down from the couch and use his walker. (something he screamed about in the hospital). He cannot walk on his own (even with his walker and won't be able to for at least 3 weeks. Being pregnant
, I cannot lift him so I am grateful for my mom and sister being here for a few days to help as Josh gets back to work.
We'll have a day of firsts today... figuring out how to bathe, how to entertain an active boy who can't move, best ways to get in and outside the car, etc.
We appreciate your prayers and offers for help. We'll let you know if we need anything.

Tuesday morning 2-2-06: E had a really good night! He had pain meds around 8pm and didn't wake up at all last night until 6:45 this morning saying he needed to go to the bathroom and that his leg hurt. We didn't expect that, so we're happy. Today will be an interesting day of figuring out how the next few weeks may look. We appreciate your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a bummer! It sounds like things are looking better than they might have been. We are praying for you and especially Ethan.

Deb and Ron